Canada Road Safety Week

The past week of May 15-21, including the Victoria day long weekend was Canada Road Safety Week. Therefore, Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) as well as RCMP had increased check stops and traffic enforcement. Due to an increase in road accidents over the years, the RCMP and OPP have decided make an effort to make their […]
Demerit Points Finally Explained

Demerit Points Blogs Common questions that we find clients have is what are Demerit Points? How many Demerit Points do I start with? How long are they on my record? What Are Demerit Points So to start off Demerit Points is a system used in Ontario for drivers to ensure they follow the driving laws. […]
Pedestrian Crossing Road Rules For Drivers

Pedestrian Crossing Warm weather is finally here in Ontario! With the coming of this lovely warm weather means busier streets with pedestrians. As of 2016 drivers must stop and yield the whole roadway at the following: Pedestrian crossovers School crossing Other locations with crossing guard (*this does not include crossings with traffic lights and stop signs unless […]
Cannabis Legalization and Driving

It is expected that July 2018 will be the official legalization date of marijuana legalization. With the new legalization, it has drivers concerned about the Ontario roadways. What laws will be implemented to ensure the safety of the roads? In a recent September Global News article, a survey was conducted amongst Cannabis users and the […]
Your Legal Rights Taking a Breathalyzer in Ontario

When you are pulled over and an officer suspects you of driving impaired, it is common to feel nervous. Many who have not been in this situation before are unsure what to do and do not know what their rights are. At some point, it is likely that the officer will ask you take a […]
What We Do !

We are a Team of independent and highly experienced Professional Criminal Defence Trial Lawyers and Paralegals, unlike any other Team in the Province, and we defend people who have been charged with Driving Offences. We defend Criminal Charges like DUI, Impaired, Over 80, and Dangerous Driving + Serious HTA Offences like Careless Driving, Stunt Racing […]
Peel police will ‘look into’ misconduct claims

This lax attitude causes officers to believe they can get away with abusing the law, said Ian Collins, Mr. McPhail’s lawyer. “The case merits a full investigation from authorities independent of the Peel Regional Police,” said Mr. Collins, of Burrows Firm Traffic Lawyers…
Peels ‘hard-line’ police abuse the law: critics

This lax attitude causes officers to believe they can get away with abusing the law, said Ian Collins, Mr. McPhail’s lawyer. “The case merits a full investigation from authorities independent of the Peel Regional Police,” said Mr. Collins, of The Traffic Lawyers. “These police lost the conviction they sought, but there have been no other […]
We Defend (ALL) Serious Driving Offences

While our Lawyers generally focus on ‘Serious Driving Cases’ – no case is too small or too big for us to handle. We Defend All Criminal Offences, including: Impaired Driving (DUI) Over 80 mg alcohol Care or Control Refuse Breath Sample Dangerous Driving Careless Driving All other Serious Highway Traffic Act charges We also have […]
We Defend Driving Charges!

We are “The Traffic Lawyers”® an established Team of Professional Criminal Defence Trial Lawyers. If you are facing a Careless Driving Charge anyplace in Ontario; or a DUI – Impaired, Over 80, Refuse, or Dangerous Driving Charge in Toronto, Halton, Peel, York or the Waterloo-Wellington Region of Ontario, Canada and are looking for a Defence […]